Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Greatness of Men

You know how every now and then you discover something that makes you understand everything a little bit clearer??? Well this happened to me recently when a male friend brought to my attention that apparently - there is an innate need for men to feel like they ‘are the greatest’ by their girl!!! And then it suddenly occurred to me like a bolt of lightning, all the men throughout history who have felt the need to attach the word ‘great’to their name…
and then it occurred to me… this lack of knowledge of men is probably the reason for all my failed relationships… I lamented for but a brief moment - and then realised that I am not opposed to giving a person credit, where credit is due. But it seems most men want their girls to see them as the ‘greatest looking’, ‘greatest lover’, ‘greatest provider’, ‘greatest problem solver’ and just generally the ‘greatest man who ever lived’!!!

Silly me, when all along I was thinking how great my man would be if he realised that toilet rolls do not grow on holders! And while we are in the bath room, how great would a man be if he just knew that towels did not ‘hang’ on the floor and how really great he would be if he considered that some of us sit on the toilet seat and therefore would aim more considerately!!! And that he just somehow knew that yelling at you did not make you feel he had a great voice or that being great didn’t mean when walking together he walked 100 miles ahead of you, forcing you to ‘run’ after him!!! Or what would really be the greatest is that he remembered you were with him at all!!!

After all, it seems any man can rule the world, be a dictator, a politician, a CEO of a company, a manager, sports star or have all the bedroom moves in the world….but to me it’s the little things that truly make a man great…don’t even get me started on flowers….just sayin’ : )

Talk about avoiding the real issues:

This week the Commonwealth Heads of State, including her Majesty the Queen of England, met in Australia to discuss issues impacting on the Commonwealth. This of course would include the pressing issues of Global Warming, the impact of Climate Change, Carbon Offsetting, the Global Economic Crisis, the debt impact in Europe and the US, the refugee crisis, Human Rights and of course discussions relating to one or two Heads of State not towing the line…But what made the news headlines??? What was the entire body of Commonwealth leaders in total agreement to?? ...
Female ascension to the throne....yes this pressing issue of female ascension had to be resolved at this meeting in 2011! After all, it is about time this 1000yr old rule that daughters have had to give way to sons be overturned. Of course this new law will not impact on the Queen's sons nor their sons but could now apply to Prince William’s children, yet to be born..I am so glad we got that sorted!
Now I am all for girl power, however, unless they address the real issues presently obviously glaringly in critical need of attention, the ascension law will not mean a thing to anyone..
Just sayin’

Saturday, October 29, 2011

“You must be submissive to him, obedient, fulfil his desire, more than a first class prostitute can”.

While divorce is a sad end to any marriage, according to some reports, it seems the divorce rates in the Muslim world are epidemic. Statistics out of Kuwait reveal that 50% (and rising) of divorces occur in the first four years of marriage.

However, Fauziah Arrifin from Malaysian who is the President of the Obedient Wives Club has the solution (as expressed above). Sentiments like these expressed in 2011 have got to be a setback for the women’s movement! But it made me wonder - is that what men even want? And is NOT having sex with your husband like a first class prostitute grounds for divorce anyway??? (Even in his mind).

Also, given that a man belonging to the Muslim faith can have up to four wives – is delivering the ‘bedroom moves’ going to help you keep your man home anyway? Just sayin’

“Speak what we feel and not what we ought to say” William Shakespeare

“Speak what we feel and not what we ought to say”
The ability to speak our thoughts and feelings is essentially what it means to be human. Yet this gift of communication seems to be conditioned by unspoken rules that prevent us saying what we really mean and this inhibits real communication. “just sayin” is an attempt to apply the words spoken above by William Shakespeare, who identified hundreds of years ago that people were not keeping it real by saying what they ought to have said rather than what they really felt.

Having said that, I also believe that what we speak comes with a responsibility: to be respectful to self and others in our use of speech, this is the gift of true communication that we give to others. After all, when we speak we would like to be respectfully heard, therefore we should respectfully speak.

So, ‘just sayin’.... have the courage to say what you mean and mean what you say….Speak what you feel and not what you ought to say, and that’s what I will be doing with this blog in my effort to makes sense of the world and everything in it.