Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Greatness of Men

You know how every now and then you discover something that makes you understand everything a little bit clearer??? Well this happened to me recently when a male friend brought to my attention that apparently - there is an innate need for men to feel like they ‘are the greatest’ by their girl!!! And then it suddenly occurred to me like a bolt of lightning, all the men throughout history who have felt the need to attach the word ‘great’to their name…
and then it occurred to me… this lack of knowledge of men is probably the reason for all my failed relationships… I lamented for but a brief moment - and then realised that I am not opposed to giving a person credit, where credit is due. But it seems most men want their girls to see them as the ‘greatest looking’, ‘greatest lover’, ‘greatest provider’, ‘greatest problem solver’ and just generally the ‘greatest man who ever lived’!!!

Silly me, when all along I was thinking how great my man would be if he realised that toilet rolls do not grow on holders! And while we are in the bath room, how great would a man be if he just knew that towels did not ‘hang’ on the floor and how really great he would be if he considered that some of us sit on the toilet seat and therefore would aim more considerately!!! And that he just somehow knew that yelling at you did not make you feel he had a great voice or that being great didn’t mean when walking together he walked 100 miles ahead of you, forcing you to ‘run’ after him!!! Or what would really be the greatest is that he remembered you were with him at all!!!

After all, it seems any man can rule the world, be a dictator, a politician, a CEO of a company, a manager, sports star or have all the bedroom moves in the world….but to me it’s the little things that truly make a man great…don’t even get me started on flowers….just sayin’ : )


  1. "If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth, and he will find both." -Horace Mann

  2. He may even find a great women who makes him feel special. Especially when understands what flowers mean...: )
