Saturday, October 29, 2011

“You must be submissive to him, obedient, fulfil his desire, more than a first class prostitute can”.

While divorce is a sad end to any marriage, according to some reports, it seems the divorce rates in the Muslim world are epidemic. Statistics out of Kuwait reveal that 50% (and rising) of divorces occur in the first four years of marriage.

However, Fauziah Arrifin from Malaysian who is the President of the Obedient Wives Club has the solution (as expressed above). Sentiments like these expressed in 2011 have got to be a setback for the women’s movement! But it made me wonder - is that what men even want? And is NOT having sex with your husband like a first class prostitute grounds for divorce anyway??? (Even in his mind).

Also, given that a man belonging to the Muslim faith can have up to four wives – is delivering the ‘bedroom moves’ going to help you keep your man home anyway? Just sayin’

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know how come he can compare his wife with a "first class Prostitute" anyway.???
