Sunday, October 30, 2011

Talk about avoiding the real issues:

This week the Commonwealth Heads of State, including her Majesty the Queen of England, met in Australia to discuss issues impacting on the Commonwealth. This of course would include the pressing issues of Global Warming, the impact of Climate Change, Carbon Offsetting, the Global Economic Crisis, the debt impact in Europe and the US, the refugee crisis, Human Rights and of course discussions relating to one or two Heads of State not towing the line…But what made the news headlines??? What was the entire body of Commonwealth leaders in total agreement to?? ...
Female ascension to the throne....yes this pressing issue of female ascension had to be resolved at this meeting in 2011! After all, it is about time this 1000yr old rule that daughters have had to give way to sons be overturned. Of course this new law will not impact on the Queen's sons nor their sons but could now apply to Prince William’s children, yet to be born..I am so glad we got that sorted!
Now I am all for girl power, however, unless they address the real issues presently obviously glaringly in critical need of attention, the ascension law will not mean a thing to anyone..
Just sayin’


  1. You're right! If they don't solve the other problems....there will be no monarchy at all....

  2. Well that's exactly what I'm sayin..but I guess it demonstrates the real truth..they don't have the answers or the ability no matter how willing.
