Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coincidence: What does it all mean???

The definition of a coincidence is: a chance occurrence of events remarkable either for being simultaneous or for apparently being connected.

From time to time, all of us experience either minor or quite remarkable coincidences. I remember a couple of years ago I was introduced to my friend's niece, who was visiting from another country. She had the same name as my son, and she looked about the same age so I asked her how old she was. They were not only the same age but they were born on the exact same date! Further discussion revealed they had exactly the same initials too!…..hold that thought.

On another occasion when I was travelling through the Australian Outback, I was wandering alone down some obscure road in the national park and I could see this person walking toward me, only to realise it was a friend of mine from my community that was 1000’s of miles away! ...hold that thought.

Then another time, I was flying from London to Sydney. During this time, I lived in a little coastal community about 4hrs drive south of Sydney. The lady sitting next to me on that flight was travelling to the same small town. So without even knowing each other we travelled from one side of the world together to the exact same destination!...hold that thought.

I have another dear friend who also lives in another part of world and we realised that we had 16yrs between us, we lived 16,000 kms apart and the time difference was 16hours!!! So I decided to do some research on the number 16 to see if there was any significance attached to it….and guess what? There wasn’t!!!

So coincidence (as remarkable as it seems), what does it all mean???? ….absolutely nothing..: )

So ponder no longer.......Just sayin’… (and so does Plutarch).

“It is no great wonder if in long process of time, while fortune takes its course hither and thither, numerous coincidences should spontaneously occur”. Plutarch

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