Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rome in Ruins – literally!!!

It appears that as he departs from the world stage of politics, the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has not only left the economy  in ruins – but while he was occupied with  becoming  famous for his outrageously decadent “Bunga Bunga” parties, the real fame of the once Roman Empire has been neglected beyond repair!

Recent newspaper articles report that there has been a recent collapse of a stretch of wall near the Porta di Nola (in Pompeii). This is just a year after the city’s House of Gladiators disintegrated. In addition to this, the mortar has been coming off the Colosseum in slabs and Nero’s fabled Golden Palace caved in!

However, to his credit Mr Berlusconi did authorise a notable renovation! At his order he had the restorers reinstate a $94,000 artificial penis to the marble statue of the Roman god Mars, on loan to his official residence. Which I suppose is a very apt representation and a reflection of how this one man thinks and what he sees as a priority….did I say one man??? ….Just sayin’

1 comment:

  1. When my husband and I went to Rome on a number of occasions we were very upset about the way these fabulous monuments to history were neglected. It seemed as though the Romans were so used to having them around that they just did not see how sad they are all looking, except maybe the Trevi Fountain. The Forum was a mish mash of things not labelled. Nothing to tell us what we were looking at. I loved Rome but it is becoming nothing bit "ruins" that wont be around much longer if they are not preserved. I thought that if something was heritage listed the Government was responsible for its upkeep...definitely not happening in The Wont Be Eternal For Long City.
