Friday, November 4, 2011


While the world’s first democracy is in serious crisis and ‘occupied’ with trying to find ways to pay back enormous debt that has been accumulated by those who have not had an occupation…
It seems the rest of the world too, has become ‘occupied’!

Americans have ‘occupied’ Wall Street and numerous other locations throughout the country in an effort to expose that the richest 1% hasan unfair monopoly that negatively impacts on the rest. Sadly, the ‘occupation’ in Oakland turned ugly this week, looking more like Syria than California!
The Middle East has been ‘occupied’, this past spring, in the streets of various nations to protests against the corruption and crimes of their governments against the people. Demonstrating that ‘people power’ can make a difference… Palestine just continues to be ‘occupied’….!!!

Europe is ‘occupied’ with the G20 Summit, planning a ‘New World’ and ‘New Ideas’ with the same old rhetoric but with the auspicious challenge of thinking of fanciful initiatives on how to finance it all!

Surveys suggest (and I also have it on good authority) that at any given time, most people are seldom at home but are ‘occupied’ elsewhere!

So with all this ‘occupation’ going on one would think that everyone would just be exhausted and want to go home and be unoccupied for a change…..just sayin’

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