Thursday, November 10, 2011

Going Global???

During the past week I was reading my national newspaper when I read this headline: “Race to the Bottom Won’t End Unless Unions Go Global”!!! Global unions??? This was in response to Australia’s national airline (Qantas) grounding its entire fleet to thwart union demands…!!!

Then it occurred to me (as it does), there is this overwhelming wave of support for going global or for a global authority that is resonating through all elements of society!

While there have always been ‘voices in the wilderness’ whispering this desire for a ‘one world’ or a ‘new world’ of global governance that brings peace and security, it is now becoming a ‘barbaric yawp’ on three dominant stages; Government, Currency and Religion.

Global Government: In modern history, commencing with the founding of the United Nations in 1945, the intention was to pursue steps toward a central world government. Its main goal, it seems, was to create international law, international security, economic development, human rights, social equity and peace. This hope has never been more desperately needed than in recent times, because for the first time events have impacted even on the privileged and wealthy. All of this has culminated in lots of recent ‘talk’ relating to a need for a ‘new world order’ to realize this global government.

Global Currency: The Global Financial Crisis , the instability of the Euro, the impact and state of the US economy and the threat of emerging currencies from Asia has compelled the ‘think tanks’ to urgently bring about monetary and financial reforms. The solution, it seems, is a global currency!!!

Global Religion: Among the many advocates of a world religion, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has been planning for years to find a way to unite the world’s major religions and he believes that a new international organization (housed in Vienna) will help that dream become a reality!

In fact, these are the foundation pillars of the ‘New World Order’ (apparently), World Government, global currency and one religion.

Now I don’t want to be a ‘party pooper’ because clearly we do need to come up with a better plan; but let’s take a moment to look at the science (cause and effect) and the reality (facts):

The UN has been in existence for 66yrs and you can judge for yourself if it has achieved its objectives. The experiment of ‘one currency’ in Europe has resulted in anything but stability and financial security. Finally, I would be impressed if the same religion could co-exist let alone those of differing beliefs.

Don’t get me wrong, I did sing John Lennon’s “Imagine” back in the 70’s with idealistic passion and hoped for the best, but given the evidence…yes we do need something better, but I think we are looking for “love” in all the wrong places….just sayin”

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